During the holiday season, some people gather with their families, others gather with friends, and some must work while others relax. This December, Seattle drag favorites and RuPaul's Drag Race stars BenDeLaCreme and Jinkx Monsoon are among those working hard — but there's nothing they would rather be doing.
Their traveling drag show, The Return of the Jinkx & DeLa Holiday Show, LIVE!, is coming to the Neptune Theatre for five days (Dec. 21—24 & Dec. 26). Co-starring and co-written by Jinkx and DeLa, this year's production is their fourth holiday show and the third international tour produced by DeLa (also the director) under her production company BenDeLaCreme Presents, which also produced the duo's previous shows and the 2020 film, The Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Special on Hulu.
DeLa's demeanor is undeniably saccharine, and she uses this up-front sweetness to blindside with cutting punchlines and quick wit. She is gorgeous, endearing, and full of surprises. In addition to setting challenge win records on Drag Race, DeLa boasts an impressive portfolio of four successful solo shows off-Broadway and too many variety shows to keep track of.
Jinkx has her own singular and endearing sensibility, always sporting her iconic ginger locks and making audiences laugh at her off-kilter style. She took the crown in season 5 of Drag Race and also has an acting, singing, and cabaret career too long to keep track of. Highlights include her critically acclaimed show The Vaudevillians with musical partner Major Scales; two albums, The Inevitable Album and The Ginger Snapped; voice acting for various animated TV shows; and the web show Cool Mom on WOW Presents Plus.
Together, Jinkx and DeLa make up a powerful and glamorous comedic force.
This year's show centers around friendly rivalry between Jinkx and DeLa, in which "you can sense the love between them, but there's always conflict both around their relationship to the holiday and between themselves," said DeLa.
Each performer has their own history regarding celebrating Christmas.
As Jinkx explained, "I definitely play the one who is anti-Christmas, but I did actually have really wonderful Christmases growing up." She says that now, she looks back and realizes "how tense everyone was, and how stressful it was for all the adults and how everyone was kind of, like, putting on the show of happy family at Christmastime."
In a similar vein, DeLa comes "from an old New England family where we would meet up at the farmhouse and literally sing carols around the fire and all that craziness... I just hated it because the family didn't actually like each other." In a classic Queer fashion, she continued, "it wasn't until I started doing Christmas shows back in 2007 — specifically so I would have an excuse not to go home — that I started loving Christmas, because I was doing it on my own terms."
The duo's attachment to Christmas shows stems from their first days working together. When living in Seattle, DeLa caught word of "this kid [Jinkx]" and heard she "was doing a show at four in the afternoon at a Starbucks for free." Jinkx "walked out of the toilet, where she was changing, and proceeded to perform one of the best shows I [DeLa] had ever seen." Soon after, DeLa cast Jinkx in her Christmas show in order to join forces and avoid becoming "absolute rivals." They have continued to connect over Christmas since.
This year's show features "a joke a second," and "a lot of show and spectacle," according to DeLa. Audience members are promised much new material, original music, parody music, and spoken comedy, but also lots of heart: "We want to tell a story but we also want to give people everything that variety gives," explained DeLa.
The Return of the Jinkx and DeLa Holiday Show is sure to entertain even the most holiday-averse audience members. It will undoubtedly be funny, irreverent, and memorable.
For more information on the show, visit https://www.jinkxanddela.com/. Tickets can be found at https://www.stgpresents.org/calendar/6945/bendelacreme-jinkx-monsoon/. You may want to act fast — the shows end to sell out in Seattle.