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National News Highlights — October 21, 2022

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Photo courtesy of Mr. Gay World
Photo courtesy of Mr. Gay World

Boricua beats competition
Last Saturday, Puerto Rico's own José López Duvont became the first Latino, and the first American competitor, to win the international Mr. Gay World pageant. The model and actor represented the United States territory in South Africa over the weekend of October 15.

López Duvont didn't just win for looking good, although he certainly did; his awards for Best National Costume, Best Swimwear, and Most Photogenic attest to that. He also won the Social Media Impact award, partly by presenting a "social impact project" meant to address body dysmorphia in LGBTQ communities by promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The Puerto Rican nonprofit MGPR, Inc. has been sending delegates to the contest since 2020, and had gotten close enough to taste victory twice, with Mickey Rivera entering the top five one year, and Joshuan Aponte getting second place the next.

Pride digs in heels at Orthodox school
At least for the time being, the Orthodox Jewish institution Yeshiva University will have to officially recognize the YU Pride Alliance, its LGBTQ club, after the Supreme Court reinstated a court order that the university do so.

The conservative Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined three liberal justices to form a 5-4 majority in the decision.

The remaining dissenters, in a statement written by Justice Samuel Alito, argued that the Constitution "prohibits a State from enforcing its own preferred interpretation of Holy Scripture. Yet that is exactly what New York has done in this case, and it is disappointing that a majority of this Court refuses to provide relief."

Yeshiva has filed an appeal, saying that recognizing the Pride Alliance "would violate its sincere religious beliefs."

The club pointed out that Yeshiva already has a Gay Pride club at its law school.