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Ask Izzy: How to know when you're smoking too much weed

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Photo by Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

Ask Izzy is a biweekly advice column about relationships, mental health, and sexuality. Written by Isabel Mata — a Seattle-based lifestyle writer, podcast host, and mental health advocate — Ask Izzy offers tangible expert advice so all readers can have stronger relationships, better sex, and healthier mindsets. Looking for some more guidance? Submit your question at [email protected] with the subject line Ask Izzy Submission.

Dear Izzy,

When are you considered a stoner? Is it problematic if it's most evenings, but you're super productive during the day and get everything done that you need to?

— Fazed and Confused

Dear Fazed,

If you are questioning whether you smoke too much weed, then you probably already know the answer. Take a week off and see how you feel. As someone who smokes weed every day, I usually take breaks when I feel my tolerance getting too high. If I'm finishing an entire bowl or joint on my own and still don't feel anything, then that's my cue to cool it.

If you are using cannabis to relieve stress, deal with chronic pain, or just hang out socially, and it's not impacting your life negatively, then I personally think you are fine. If you are otherwise generally healthy, drink enough water, and exercise regularly, then light it up. It's when you find yourself reaching for the good stuff to disassociate or cope with difficult emotions that it might be time to pause and reflect.

But the world is literally on fire. What do you expect me to do?
While the world is definitely on fire, "there's no need to focus on just one substance or activity to find joy," says SGN's editor and fearless leader A.V Eichenbaum. "If they're worried, it's time to branch out. Not, like heroin or anything, but you get it."

I personally get really into cocktail-making every time I take a break from smoking weed. But a doctor or health care professional would definitely disagree with this behavior. Of course, if you are really concerned for your health, please stop reading this and seek medical attention immediately.

Despite what pop culture may tell you, there is nothing inherently wrong with being a stoner.
Just look at Seth Rogan! He writes movies, creates beautiful pottery, and runs a booming weed business. All while smoking weed. A true high-functioning stoner and a personal idol.

If someone is trying to make you feel bad for being a proud stoner, then, respectfully, fuck that person. Weed is a personal choice and while it is still highly stigmatized around the country, that doesn't make it bad. Only you know the answer that you seek.

Trust your gut
If your body is telling you that it's time to try sobriety and reconnect with yourself, then listen to it. What maybe was a fun activity in the early days of the pandemic might not be serving you as well anymore. And that's okay! We go through lifestyle phases and that doesn't mean you have to go without weed forever..

After some time away from your drug of choice, you can reintroduce it back into your life in an intentional way. One example might be setting limits on when you smoke or take edibles, like only doing it on the weekends. With the new year only a few weeks away, now is the perfect time to set goals for yourself.

Helpful tip: write down this intention in a place you'll see it every day!